Established 1954
2014 Globally Notable Individuals of Positive Change Award Nominations
Nomination Process
The Harris Charitable Trust Awards honoring Globally Notable Individuals of Positive Change has established a comprehensive selection process for identifying and selecting the most exceptional individuals of change to be honored during our annual Mock Fox Hunt and Gala Ball each year. Honorees are selected from thousands of nominees from around the world who are presented for consideration by companies, organizations or individuals* and assessed according to rigorous selection criteria. Only the most notable and outstanding candidates in their specific areas of work, fund-raising or volunteerism are selected from the politicial, business, civil society, academia, journalistic, philanthropic, and arts and culture sectors across the globe.
*Individuals may NOT nominate themselves
Selection Criteria for 2014:
- He/she has demonstrated a commitment to serve society at large through exceptional contributions, and have a global perspective.
- He/she must have an impeccable record in the public eye and good standing in his/her community, as well as show great self-awareness and a desire for true global change.
- Candidates from the business sector must be responsible for the full operation of a qualifying corporation or division and must hold one of the following titles: President, Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Managing Partner or Publisher, or equivalent of any of the above.
- Companies, organizations and entities can only nominate one candidate from the qualifying company every two years.
- Kindly note that self-nominations are not accepted.
Time Line
- Nominations are accepted from January 1 - June 30 of the year prior to the award. 2015 Nominations will open January 1, 2014 and be accepted through June 20, 2014.
- Final selections are made between July 1 and August 31 year each.
- Honorees are notified in October/November prior to the year they are being honored. 2014 Honorees will be notified in October/November 2013.
- Awards are given during the annual Mock Fox Hunt and Gala Ball that takes place the second Saturday of October each calendar year
- 2014 Nominations are Now Closed.
- 2014 Honorees will be named in October/November 2013 in a Press Release and will be notified by email and post
- Honorees are not required to attend the Mock Fox Hunt and Gala Ball, but, it is highly recommended if all possible